Pedia Manor is an organization established on the basis of providing the best care possible for the children at our homes. Our organizational philosophy drives the decisions made with respect to workload and staffing patterns. Pedia Manor’s staff to client ratios are more than twice as strong as what is mandated by state regulations. We are very confident that our staffing patterns greatly exceed those of our competitors.
We take these measures to ensure that the best possible care is offered to our clients. A decrease in caseload does not result in a decrease in workload. Staff members take the extra time in their shift to pay attention to detail, and work to create a positive environment for our clients.
Staff members execute each and every client specific task as thoroughly and as meticulously as is possible at that moment. This means that any tasks carried out by our staff are carried out with client safety, dignity, and general well being in mind. Our staff members are able to exercise the maximum amount of precaution
Pedia Manor’s mission is to provide a true home-like experience for the children in our care, while providing the absolute best in patient care. We strive to give our kids as much of the childhood experience as possible by giving them the most individual attention possible, facilitating trips and outings, and promoting daily recreation designed to stimulate and foster growth for our children.
Our treatment team works with referring hospitals to ensure that our children get to all of their necessary medical appointments with specialists at hospitals across Southeastern PA, and Delaware. Beyond this, our staff work seamlessly with our Clinical Leadership to ensure that all of the physicians involved in each child’s care have their orders and treatment plans followed, and also receive all updates and information necessary to make decisions about their care.
We work hard to ensure that families have an unlimited amount of access to their children as well as all the information about their medical care. Most importantly, we strive to give each family a voice in advocating for their children regardless of circumstance.
Founded in 2003, Pedia Manor’s program was developed by a group of health care professionals experienced in trach and vent care who felt that there was a better way of doing things, and that with a brighter, cleaner environment, and better staff-child ratios better care could be provided for our children, and in turn, better outcomes could be achieved.
For 16 years Pedia Manor has been dedicated to providing the best care possible for our children, as well as working hard to create an environment that would foster their development- by working to create community life, and recreational activities for our children as well as staffing our homes in a way which allows our staff to not only use greater attention to detail in their care for each of our children, but also more time to interact and play with the children in their care.
As Pedia Manor has grown, these ideals have helped shape our development – our second home opened in 2005, on West Thatcher Rd. in Quakertown, Pa. Our growth and expansion has been measured, and slow so that the quality of care would never be compromised. It was always important
Our homes are designed to give our children all of the comforts of home, while getting the best medical care from our team who really just care more. For over 10 years, Pedia Manor has provided the best in skilled medical care for over 10 years now.
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To arrange a visit to Pedia Manor dial 215-766-2183.
Lorem ipsum is what designers use when they don’t have anything fun and clever to say. Pulvinar augue enim facilisis, augue turpis et placerat odio sed, magna sed cras nunc urna et, eros lacus tortor, lundium aenean nunc augue enim.
Sociis, lorem scelerisque scelerisque, scelerisque dignixssim dictumst dapibus mus? Integer hac, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt. Turpis tincidunt. Risus scelerisque in ultricies scelerisque, adipiscing porttitor risus, augue hac, ridiculus dapibus in facilisis parturient vel, facilisis porta. Aliquam sit, integer pellentesque, turpis, et phasellus. Ut, proin etiam elementum tincidunt. Duis pulvinar porttitor sed augue dictumst velit! Porttitor est phasellus auctor scelerisque porttitor phasellus mus dolor in mauris elementum, ac pulvinar dapibus mid, enim cursus?
Lorem ipsum is what designers use when they don’t have anything fun and clever to say. Pulvinar augue enim facilisis, augue turpis et placerat odio sed, magna sed cras nunc urna et, eros lacus tortor, lundium aenean nunc augue enim.
Sociis, lorem scelerisque scelerisque, scelerisque dignissim dictumst dapibus mus? Integer hac, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt. Turpis tincidunt. Risus scelerisque in ultricies scelerisque, adipiscing porttitor risus, augue hac, ridiculus dapibus in facilisis parturient vel, facilisis porta. Aliquam sit, integer pellentesque, turpis, et phasellus. Ut, proin etiam elementum tincidunt. This is a Heading 3 (h3)
Lorem ipsum is what designers use when they don’t have anything fun and clever to say. Magna tincidunt placerat, nec, proin? Ac porta magna, enim ac nascetur amet integer diam egestas diam! Integer hac, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt.
This is a caption for the image above
Sociis, lorem scelerisque scelerisque, scelerisque dignissim dictumst dapibus mus? Integer hac, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt. Turpis tincidunt. Risus scelerisque in ultricies scelerisque, adipiscing porttitor risus, augue hac, ridiculus dapibus in facilisis parturient vel, facilisis porta. Aliquam sit, integer pellentesque, turpis, et phasellus. Ut, proin etiam elementum tincidunt. Duis pulvinar porttitor sed augue dictumst velit! Porttitor est phasellus auctor scelerisque porttitor phasellus mus dolor in mauris elementum, ac pulvinar dapibus mid, enim cursus?
Sociis, lorem scelerisque scelerisque, scelerisque dignissim dictumst dapibus mus? Integer hac, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt. Turpis tincidunt. Risus scelerisque in ultricies scelerisque, adipiscing porttitor risus, augue hac, ridiculus dapibus in facilisis parturient vel, facilisis porta. Aliquam sit, integer pellentesque, turpis, et phasellus. Ut, proin etiam elementum tincidunt. Duis pulvinar porttitor sed augue dictumst velit! Porttitor est phasellus auctor scelerisque porttitor phasellus mus dolor in mauris elementum, ac pulvinar dapibus mid, enim cursus?
Lorem ipsum is what designers use when they don’t have anything clever to say. Integer hac, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt. Turpis tincidunt. Risus scelerisque in ultricies scelerisque, adipiscing porttitor risus, augue hac, ridiculus dapibus in facilisis parturient vel, facilisis porta. Aliquam sit, integer pellentesque, turpis, et phasellus. Ut, proin etiam elementum tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum is what designers use when they don’t have anything clever to say. Integer hac, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt. Turpis tincidunt. Risus scelerisque in ultricies scelerisque, adipiscing porttitor risus, augue hac, ridiculus dapibus in facilisis parturient vel, facilisis porta. Aliquam sit, integer pellentesque, turpis, et phasellus. Ut, proin etiam elementum tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum is what designers use when they don’t have anything fun and clever to say. Magna tincidunt placerat, nec, proin? Ac porta magna, enim ac nascetur amet integer diam egestas diam!
This is a blockquote. Use this when you want to quote someone who said something awesome!
Lorem ipsum is what designers use when they don’t have anything clever to say. Integer hac, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt. Aliquam sit, integer pellentesque, turpis, et phasellus. Ut, proin etiam elementum tincidunt. Lorem ipsum is what designers use when they don’t have anything clever to say. Integer hac, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt. Turpis tincidunt. Risus scelerisque in ultricies scelerisque, adipiscing porttitor risus, augue hac, ridiculus dapibus in facilisis parturient vel, facilisis porta. Aliquam sit, integer pellentesque, turpis, et phasellus. Ut, proin etiam elementum tincidunt.
Lorem ipsum is what designers use when they don’t have anything clever to say. Integer hac, hac enim natoque ultricies, enim tincidunt. Turpis tincidunt. Risus scelerisque in ultricies scelerisque, adipiscing porttitor risus, augue hac, ridiculus dapibus in facilisis parturient vel, facilisis porta. Aliquam sit, integer pellentesque, turpis, et phasellus. Ut, proin etiam elementum tincidunt.
This is an information box that you can use to call out important things to people.